Canadian brewery Labatt launched a controversial advertising campaign for Labatt’s Blue de-alcoholized beer, under the slogan “Leave one out for Santa. He’s driving.”. It made its debut at 45 Mac’s stores across the GTA in November and will run until month’s end.
But some consumers say it sends the wrong message. “I don’t think that’s quite appropriate,” said Kathleen Clifford, 65, who saw the ad at a Mac’s at Gerrard and Mutual Sts. yesterday.
“Children see that and they think we’d better leave beer for Santa instead of cookies and milk.” she said. “I have grandchildren and great-granchildren and I don’t approve of it. “Maybe I’m an old fuddy-duddy.”
But Labatt said the message is to remind people not to drink and drive. “It’s reminding people, especially during this holiday season, when people are going out to celebrate, not to drink and drive,” said Catherine Pringle, corporate affairs manager of Labatt Breweries of Canada. “Some of the posters direct people to, which is a website to plan ahead and reinforcing people not to drink and drive,” she said.
Mothers Against Drinking and Driving said it has no problem with it because it’s alcohol-free beer — even though it actually contains “0.5% or less.”
Santa may be trading in his plates of cookies and glasses of milk and sucking back cold Labatt’s Blue this Christmas.

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