The most boring part of an office has to be the plain paper coffee cups. They are white or grey and there is never anything special with them. This has noticed by the talented artist Paul Westcombe. He has taken several random coffee cups and made them fun and colorful with a lot of cool designs. Every cup has its own name that maybe doesn’t fit the cup’s design, but it makes sense in an artistic way. The drawings are messy, surreal but very detailed, and Westcombe hasn’t let any spot be white and boring. Some of the cups have even paintings on them which gives the cups a more serious look in comparison to the others. It is just one thing that I find strange, and that is how he managed to draw so precise on a paper coffe cup that is “moving” all the time; that definitely had to be some amazing drawing skills. Some sill consider the drawings as repulsive because they have some nudity, blood and ripped body parts, but after all there are almost only adults that drink coffee. Detailed drawings are also done by another artist, only thing that this one is drawing 3D illusions out on the streets.

Art on Coffecups. Interesting!
Admirable post!!