You know those scary Scandinavian stories about the trolls that live in the forest and kidnaps little children? Well, that is only fairytales, so there is actually no such thing, right? A lost garden in UK is proving us wrong. The Lost Gardens of Heligan are full of gigantic sculptures and shapes that are scary in a way. Statues of strange forest creatures that look like humans but still have something adventurous and mystic about them. The story behind the statues are that they belong to the Tremayne family for over 400 years that own this mysterious garden. The garden itself is very beautiful and it reminds of those enormous ones in Alice in Wonderland. A good thing is that the statues aren’t alive, but still I bet you wouldn’t like to walk there alone after dark. Another forest where I wouldn’t recommend you to be alone in is in this one where one of the world’s last uncontacted tribes live.