MAD’s design for the Urbanism\Architecture Shenzhen & Hongkong Bi-city Biennale, the Monster’s Footprint debuted in the Citizen Square of Shenzhen. It is a sunken space shade of a giant footprint, paved by pink EPDM material, functioning as the playground for the citizens in the city center. Shenzhen is a village turned city overnight. Enchanted by the bursting power of economic development, the city center is filled with extensive, and yet indistinctive icons. The coarse scale and preposterous symbolism of these icons have detached themselves from people’s daily experience. The Monster’s Footprint attempts to enter this very surreal reality, and offer a way for Shenzheners to find their own freedom and joy in the Citizen Square.
City Mobilization
2009 Shenzhen & Hongkong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture
Shenzhen, China
Type: Public art installation
Material: EPDM
Size: 120sqm

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